150 disabled people will receive free training in Cusco

Minister Maurate explained to entrepreneurs about employment rate for this vulnerable group. :: Published 14/06/2016

(Cusco, June 2nd, 2016).- The minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Daniel Maurate Romero announced that 105 disabled people in Junin will have free labor training in customer service and cash register, warehouse and logistic,  and textile operator through “Jóvenes Productivos” and “Impulsa Perú” Programs.

“Impulsa Peru” Program has benefited to 2,559 thousands people in Cusco, and “Jóvenes Productivos” Program more than one thousand people, Maurate said.   

“We want to give to disabled people the necessary impulse to move forward and training to insert them to formal labor market. We need to work together between private and public sector”, he added.

The minister met with entrepreneurs of this region, to promote the recruitment of disabled people and fulfill the employment rate of 3% for the private sector and 5% for the public sector (required rate for employers with more of 50 workers).

“Hiring people with special skills generates a positive impact in the companies production because they develop others capabilities with skill and concentration”, he said.

Since 2015, the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion has strengthened the labor exchange of the Employment Center to impulse the insertion of disable people, he added.

“The labor exchange has registered 225 disable people and it has received 85 vacancies until now. We want to increase the hirings”, Maurate emphasized.

There were presentations (about employment rate, certification of disability and tax benefits), workshops about specialized methodologies (supported employment, skills approach, inclusive work environments), and successful experiences of labor insertion of disabled people.

According the National Survey about Disability – ENEDIS 2012, there are 40.784 working-age disabled people in Cusco. The economically active population is only 7,772.