
“Formalízate Ahora” Fair promotes business legalization at San Martin region

More than 24 institutions contributed in the entrepreneur’s formalization. :: Published 23/06/2016

(San Martín, June 17th, 2016).- With the objective of providing facilities to entrepreneurs  for an easy access to labor formalization, the Ministery of Labor and Employment Promotion organized the “Formalizate Ahora” Fair at Tarapoto city (San Martín).  

The Fair took place on June 16th and 17th, which allowed local businesspeople and entrepreneurs to initiate the registration procedures in the tributary regime, labor, sectorial and the management of operating permits licenses in municipality and others that allow the development and growth of the business.

The MTPE achieve to attend, through this fair, to more than 23 thousand businesspeople that were interested in leaving an informality state that affects the labor market in all country regions.

In this framework,  around 1,505 thousand people began the procedures to legalize their business.

“Formalizate Ahora” Fair gathered together 24 institutions in Tarapoto, including National Superintendent of Public Registries, National Superintendence of Tributary Administration, EsSalud, Provisional Standardization Office, National Superintendence of Labor Fiscalisation, Nation Bank among others.

To the date,  this fair has been organized at Lima, (La Victoria, Villa El Salvador), La Libertad, Tacna, Piura, Junin, Cusco, Huanuco and Arequipa.

Impulsa Perú Program

On the other hand the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion announced the certification of labor competences in benefit of 295 persons with low incomes of San Martín region through “Impulsa Perú” Program.

The beneficiaries will go through a technical and practice evaluations in the occupations of waiter, sales representative and cashier. The evaluation process will be in charge of entities recognized by MTPE, Tourist Training Center and Public Technologic Higher Education Institute.

In the period between august 2011 and march 2016 “Impulsa Peru” Program has benefited 1,300 thousand people at San Martín region training and preparing them for labor insertion, entrepreneurship or self-employment.

People interested in being evaluated can access to more information in the following webpage: