Minister Alfonso Grados described strategic lines of his sector to Congress of the Republic.

The services improvement to citizens is one of the first actions of the minister. :: Published 08/09/2016

The minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Alfonso Grados Carraro presented to the Labor Commission and Social Safety of the Congress of the Republic the workplan of his sector. It has five strategic axes: the labor formalization, youth insertion to the labor market, social dialogue, employability and protection of vulnerable groups and programmes.

In this order, Grados Carraro remarked that formal employments will be promoted with access to labor rights and social security coverage to achieve sustained development of the economy.

Also, it seeks to develop youth employability and to encourage the self-employment, according to the real demand of the labor market in the country.

 “We are also working in the generation of competences and labor opportunities for vulnerable populations, especially, women who are victims of gender violence and disable people” said.

During the session, minister Grados highlighted that his management will strengthen the dialogue among government, workers and employers in the search for consensuses, through the National Council of Labor and Employment Promotion (CNTPE in Spanish).

 “If we strengthen the collective bargaining, we will help in parties’ engaging, providing objective information to achieve efficient solutions”, said.

On the other hand, he reported that it will work with the Regional Offices to meet with the faculties transferred in labor inspection promoting the resolution of labor conflict.

The minister explained to the Congress members that one of the first actions of his management was framed within the service improvement to the user, consequently, the schedule of the Employment Center (head office) was extended from 06:30 am to 07:00 pm (07:00 am to 04:30 pm In the past)

 “This measure achieved an increase in 23% the attended users in the first month. Gradually, the schedules in others offices of Employment Center, will be expand”, quoted.

Equally, the register of civil construction workers (RETCC in spanish) was implemented in La Libertad Region, whereby 19 regions have this register.  By the end of this year, is expected to have 200 thousand registered workers.

“From octuber, this register will be implemented in crime-prone areas as Lima Metropolitana and Callao”, Grados Carraro said.

Promoters programmes

The minister pointed that in 2017 is scheduled to generate more than 25 thousand temporal employments, through the financing of more than 400 public investment projects in unskilled labor of “Trabaja Perú” Program.

In the same way, “Impulsa Perú” program is expected to benefit 15 thousand people with training for the labor insertion and for the self-employment, and certification of labor competences.

On the other hand, “Jóvenes Productivos” program will benefit with training with labor insertion and for the self-employment to more than 15 thousand youth people during 2017.