
Minister Maurate: More than 323 thousand children and teenagers left their jobs during 2012 to 2015.

“United for free childhood of child labor” Festival was organized in Huancayo. :: Published 20/06/2016

(Huancayo, June 12th, 2016).- The minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Daniel Maurate Romero reported that among 2012 to 2015, more than 323 thousand boys, girls and teenagers from 5 to 17 years old left to make economic activities. It implies a decrease of 4,6% (26,4% to 21,8%).  

The National Specialized Survey of Child Labor indicates that 44% of children left their jobs and live in urban area, and 56% in rural area.  

Also, he highlighted that 46% of them were between 5 and 13 years old, and 54% between 14 and 17 years old.

According to survey, it was higher reduction of participation rates of boys than girls. 63.3% men and 36,7% women left economic activities. 

The highest rates of child labor are in Huancavelica, Puno, Huánuco, Amazonas and Apurímac and the lowest rates are in Lima, Tacna, Tumbes and Arequipa (less than 13%) in 2015.

 “The highest rate of child labor is in highlands, they have subsistence, family-owned agriculture with few linkages in manufacture, and they have an important mining sector. We have to join efforts against this problem”, he said.

Minister Maurate participated in “United for free childhood of child labor” organized by MTPE in Huancayo city. It had the participation of national artists: Max Castro, Pelo D’Ambrosio, William Luna, Raíces de Jauja, Dámaris and Pepe Alva.  

 “I joined to this celebration because the prevention and elimination of child labor in Peru constitutes a labor that it is not only state responsibility, also implies commitment of all citizens”, he indicated.

The current government has given important steps against child labor: The approved National Strategy for prevention and elimination of Child Labor 2012 – 2021, which guides the state action to intersectorial and intergovernmental level, minister remembered.  

Recognition against child labor

The minister Maurate participated in a recognition to regional governments of Pasco, Junín and Huancavelica, and provincial and district mayors of these regions, in merit to actions against child labor.

Maurate highlighted the commitment of regional and local instances to lead this social scourge, with an effective implementation of the National Strategy of Prevention and Erradication of Child Labor.