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MTPE approves plan to increase labor insertion in the country

The plan represents a medium term strategic planning tool with vision of Labor Sector. :: Published 11/07/2016

(Lima, July 6th, 2016).- The ministry of Labor and  Employment Promotion approved the Multiannual Sectorial Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021, which has the objective to increase the formal labor insertion and to improve the labor competences for people’s employability  in  working age.

Likewise, it seeks to improve capacities for the constructive transformation of conflicts between social-labour actors and optimize citizen’s perceptions about public service provided by the Sector.  

This plan is a medium term strategic planning tool with vision of Labor Sector, strategic objectives with indicators and goals; the identification of strategic actions and strategic path.

The Strategic Planning Commission of Labor and Employment Promotion validated the PESEM 2017 – 2021 proposal on June 30th.

Also, the National Centre of Strategic Planning (CEPLAN) reported that project fulfills the General Guideline for Strategic Planning Process.

The MTPE and its affiliated public bodies develop their respective institutional strategic plans and operational plans according to PESEM guidelines.

The MTPE provides protection and promotion of decent and productive employment, conceptual structure according to six components: articulation between labor supply and demand, and social inclusion in labor market, strengthening of working conditions, employability promotion, productivity improvement, access to social security services and strategic management.