Grados ceses colectivos medida

MTPE reactivates Executive Committee that will review claims against fourth list of collective dismissals.

Minister Alfonso Grados remarked that it will be a technical job :: Published 01/09/2016

The ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion reinstalled the Executive Committee that will review the claims submitted against the approval of the fourth list of collective dismissals, produced in the institutions and state’s companies.

The minister Alfonso Grados said that there will be a technical review and objective revision in accordance with the law (Nº30484), always searching the best for the dismissed workers.  

“We have to be responsible with this work and practical for workers who were affected to be rewarded years of waiting,” said Grados Carraro.

The minister added the MTPE enables decentralized institutions and headquarters to meet the demand for information that can be generated on the case.

He said that as a principle of transparency, the ministry will publish on its website the work that will be developed for the unions, the workers concerned and the general public to follow up.

 “At the next session, the Executive Committee will define an operating regulation that will specify their responsibilities, rules and activities”, reported. 

The Executive Committee is chaired by the minister of Labor and Employment Promotion and includes representatives of General Confederation of Peru Workers (CGTP in spanish), Unique Workers’ Center (CUT in Spanish), Confederation of Peru Workers (CTP in Spanish), National Independent Front of Unlawfully Dismissed Workers (FINATRACI in spanish) and Intersectorial Confederation of state workers (CITE in Spanish).

Officials of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Official and of the ministry of Economy and Finances, ministry of Justice and Ombudsman’s Office integrates the Committee too.