vice Boluarte

MTPE will evaluate labor competences of more than 400 workers from Tacna

Viceminister Nicanor Boluarte gave a seed capital of three thousand soles to disabled young people :: Published 11/07/2016

(Tacna, July 8th, 2016).- The ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion announced the certification of labor competencies of 417 workers from Tacna in trades of cook, waiter and cleaning operator, through “Impulsa Perú” Program.   

The viceminister of Employment Promotion and training labor, Nicanor Boluarte Zegarra, said that this certification recognizes the experience and quality performance achieved by the worker during his work activity, and it will improve his employability.

Also, the company will get benefits because it could hire qualified staff to achieve its strategic objectives, and it allows knowing the potential of their workers, he mentioned.

He added that the Tourism Training Centre CENFOTUR will be responsible for the certification. It is an entity recognized by the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion for this kind of assessments.

Seed capital

The viceminister Nicanor Boluarte delivered a seed capital of S/, 3,000 thousand soles in goods to 50 disabled young people and adults who won a Business Plan Contest and have finished successfully an entrepreneurship course of “Impulsa Perú” and “Jóvenes Productivos” Program.

Boluarte Zegarra said that seed capital will allow implementing or undertaking a business to low–income people.

Also, the MTPE offered three scholarships for young people on training courses such as sales assistant, warehouse assistant and dispatcher of “Jovenes Productivos” Program.