
Young people of scarce economic resources receives training with approach in dual system.

The minister Maurate inaugurated free course that will be benefitted to 20 young people of the districts Ventanilla, Callao, St Martin of Porres and Comas. :: Published 08/07/2016

(Lima, july 1st, 2016).- For the purpose of developing the capacities associated with labor competitions of the young people and adapted its professional training to the real needs for the labor market, the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Daniel Maurate Romero, opened the first training in technical office with approach of dual system in our country

This system will benefit, in a first stage, to 20 low – in come young people from Ventanilla, Callao, San Martín and Comas who trained free in the driver  – seller course at SENATI, thought “Jóvenes Productivos” Program.

“We want that this system helps us to reverberate positively in the youth employment. It’s an innovative educational model, based on the alternation between the center of professional training and the company”, he added.

Also, he said that through the combination of the theory with practice, young people obtains a solid base of capacities and knowledge on the whole company.

The training will have a duration of 7 months (3 months in the training entity and 4 months in the company) and will consist of learning of basic and transverse competitions for the employment, like the use of Information technologies and Communication (TIC) and personal development, cognitive and social abilities; also, they will develop its technical skills in accordance with the course.

Finished the process, the young people will be able to plan and organize the sales process as the clients’ portfolio and assigned resources, to promote the sale of products to retail trade, to take the inventor control of the assigned merchandise and to prepare reports, between other activities.

This training has been given due to tripartite agreement between “Jovenes Productivos” Program, Senati and Bimbo company, with the commitment to train to 40 young people from Lima Metropolitana and Callao.

Maurate emphasized that the dual system is a professional training that combines learning in a company and in a center of professional training, which is practised by countries like Germany, Austria, Croatia, between others; and in South America it is applied in Colombia and Chile.

In the region Lima, during the period from August 2011 to May, 2016, the “Jovenes Productivos” program inserted to the formal labor market 7,747 young people of scarce economic resources.