The Peruvian Corps of Voluntary Firefighters signed agreements with labor unions

They welcomed the MTPE’s participation subscription of an agreement :: Published 13/10/2016

The Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (PETM), through the Department of Prevention and Resolution of Disputes, reported that the General Volunteer Fire Department of Peru signed a collective agreement with their national union workers to solve the 2016 list of demands.

Among the agreements reached, figure that when the vehicle unit is not cleaned up all documents (SOAT, property card and technical review), the driver is not required to drive it.

Also, both sides agreed that a better training for the personal be given in issues such:  technical in defensive driving for the drivers and reinforcing in communicative techniques to the operators of the Communication’s central.

Also, the Peruvian Corps of Voluntary Firefighters committed itself to manage a supplementary credit for 2017, which covers the complementary workers compensation insurance.

The demands will be valid for one year and will apply to the workers member of this trade union. The points not agreed will be solved by arbitration according to the current legal regulation.