Ministro Grados supervisa centro empleo

Minister Alfonso Grados monitors extension of Employment Center and Labor Services Window new schedule

Users support at headquarter began 6:30 am :: Published 08/08/2016

The minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Alfonso Grados, monitored the beginning of the new schedule of Employment Center and the Labor Services Window at headquarter in Jesús María.

Since 6:30 am, Grados Carraro visited several environments where services are offered and found its normal development in charge of MTPE’s specialist.

 “We have seen that many people come early for be attended, and we have to give them the best services and, gradually, expand our coverage” said.

Consequently, the minister asked to officials to measure the demand that Employment Center and the Labor Services Window generates to make adjustments if necessary.

The extension of the schedule in both services, is one of the first administrative measures adopted by MTPE in the first meeting of the President Kuczynski’s Cabinet.

Minister Alfonso Grados pointed that Employment Center services are meant to facilitate labor formalization policies and insertion of youth to the formal workforce that are the collumns of the sector.

The Employment Center and Labor Services Window attention located in headquarter (Av. Salaverry 655, Jesús María) is from 06:30 am to 07:00 pm. This schedule will be implemented, gradually, at San Juan de Lurigancho office (Av. Germanio con Jr. Vanadio, altura del paradero 17 de la Av. Las Flores, Urb. San Hilarión) and Los Olivos office (Av. Universitaria Nº 2202).

The services that will offer the Employment Center with extension of the schedule are: labor exchange, training modalities, advice for job-finding, labor exchange for disabled people, vocational orientation and occupational information, orientation for the entrepreneurship, job markets information, orientation to the migrant and consultation labor services, settlements and social benefits.

The delivery of the labor single certification will continue from 8:15 am to 2:00 pm, in order to an agreement with Interior Ministry.