The Minster of Labor and Employment Promotion, Daniel Maurate Romero will attend the event “Movility in the area of the Pacific Alliance: the role of the productives and public sectors through the public employment services” in Bogota, Colombia organized by the Pacific Alliance Business Council and the Inter American Development Bank.
This meeting will be held on April 6th and 7th and it is organized to present the role that the public employment services have to guarantee an ordered and effective managment of the laboral movility.
Also, it looks forward to promote a dialogue between the public and private sectors of the Alliance Pacific countries to facilitate an effective administration of the laboral movility of the public employment services.
The Peruvian Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion will deliver about the of Peruvian employment public service, called “Employment Center” with Ministers of Colombia and Chile. The “Employment Center” offers 12 free services vinculated to the laboral capacitation, laboral intermediation, information about the laboral market, releted to generate dependent and independent employment for the vulnerable population.
The “Employment Center” is a national estrategy of employment promotion and self employment that articulate all the employment services, empleability and entrepreneurship in a just one place.